2023: A Better You
Value-Based Goal Planning Guide to Implementing Small Changes and Creating Lasting Habits to Become Your Best Self | From Your Akron IT Consulting Service
Value-Based Goal Planning Guide to Implementing Small Changes and Creating Lasting Habits to Become Your Best Self | From Your Akron IT Consulting Service
You don’t have to change everything all at once. If you focus on small improvements over time, these small goals (when aligned with your personal values) really add up and are likely to become habits that last a lifetime.
Back in 2019 (which seems like an eternity ago), I loosely used a process similar to what’s included in this goal setting workbook and found tremendous success. This process helped me stay focused on the things that are truly important to me and not get sidetracked trying to change my entire life with a single New Year’s resolution. It was satisfying to look back at 2019 and see just how many of the goals I accomplished that year.
The last couple of years have been challenging and we’ve all had to make sacrifices. But this goal-planning process reminds me of what’s truly important in my life and helps me to stay positive and focused when things seem overwhelming.
Hopefully 2023 will be an amazing year for all of us. I hope this guide helps you set a course to be your best self and to accomplish your personal and professional goals. If you’re looking for another recommendation to slow down and stay positive, we love The Five Minute Journal.
One of our core values at PCR Business Systems is our desire to grow. As an IT consulting service, growth is what keeps us providing value to our clients. Each year we send this workbook to our staff to help them reach their goals. Despite all of the challenges the pandemic has created over the past few years, many of our team members were still able to achieve almost all of their goals!
I’m sharing this workbook with you in hopes that it helps you achieve your goals and appreciate all the accomplishments you achieve throughout the year. I hope you find value in it as I have.
Wishing you success in 2023,
Amanda Carroll
Step-by-step goal planning guide based on your personal values.
Printable worksheets & action plans for each step (with examples).
Additional resources to help you achieve your goals in 2023.